Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Canada experience part I

Its really difficult to get setteled in an other country where almost everything is different than what you have been practicing. The cultural shock alone is enough to make you think that why did I move here??

I moved from Pakistan to settle and begin a new life in Canada (one of the most advanced countries on the face of the earth). I didnt knew at the time that it would be so difficult to get started but i learend along the way that nothing comes easy..The most difficult bit was the weather, it was freezing cold in the winters and we have never experinced the kind of cold in my whole life, o` boy!

To be contd.....


zilahi adriana said...

I don't think the weather is the number one difficulty in this country (I can talk now because I didn't see anything yet, because is my first winter here as you know). Is true that for you, English is not a problem because you've study in your country in English, but being here without your family, without your friends, in a totally new country I think is the most difficult. More than that you don't know what and how will be tomorrow. At least for me is a big stress because I don't know how my future will be.
I think I've made a too long comment, but anyway, thanks for sharing your feelings.

Ramona said...

Hasan, I hope you are enjoying the nice weather. During this winter break you could play with your little angel in the snow and show her how to enjoy the snow. Dress warm and have some hot chocolate ready!