Thursday, October 30, 2008

My todate experience at EMCN

hi everyone

Its been a month since I joined the EMCN for the ABP, during this short experience I ve find out that the program which serves as a pre-requsite to the NAIT course has been a lot of help in some areas but the best part of it is the oppertunity of Public Speaking. I was always shy to speak in Public and couldnt find much of an oppertunity to practice this skill. I hope by the virtue of this program i could overcome my fear of public speaking. ialso wish all of my fellow students all the best.

hasan baig


Ramona said...

Hasan....hope you have a pleasant experience at the EMCN.
With your imporved public speaking skills you may end up being the
most successful presenter and
land an accounting lecturer position!

Good Luck....................

zilahi adriana said...

Maybe you will love public speaking so much and after graduate you will change your profession and became a profesional public speaker

Hasan said...

thanks for the encourgement.